Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Tech Support & F A Q

If you have a problem with you copy of RockRom you will find the latest version on the download pages which fixes all known bugs plus the added benefit of new features and enhancements.

RockRom is supplied with extensive help files, If you have not been able to find the answer in the help files please get in touch by using the contact form.

If you require more assistance please ring the and ask for Terry on 01239 654414 (10:00-20:00 GMT )

I try to answer all the problems within hours of reading the mail. So check your mail

To get a quick response to fix any problems the more precise your description of the error, the quicker I will get back to you with an answer. Just saying that it "will not load" or It "crashes" are not a great deal of help.

If you contact me with a problem please specify the following

What version of windows do you use 95/98/NT/ME/XP???

What Screen resolution are you running 640/800/1024/1280 (other sizes are not supported at this time)

What the exact problem is.

List any error messages that you get.