Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Bopp, Reinhard Boquist, Dave Bor, Andrew
Boravich, George Boray, Lisa Borbe, Herve
Borbridge, Stuart Borch, Mike Borchard, Christian
Borchers, Bobby Borchert, Brigitte Borchert, Volker
Bord, Richard Bordan, Mark Borddon, Barry
Bordeau, Kenny Bordeaux, Richard De Bordeleau, Pier
Borden, David Borden, Gabriel Borden, George
Borden, Ray Borden, Sandy Border, Bob
Borders, Tony Bordier, Claude Bordier, Jean Phillipe
Bordini, Carlo Bordon, Harry Bordon, Luis
Bordonaro, Garry Bordonaro, Gary (add) Bordonaro, John
Bordy, James Bored, Sarah Boreen, Muriel
Borel, Jimmy Borelius, Erik Borelli, Glauco
Borelly, Jean-claude Boren, Bill Borens, Mikey
Borg Borg, Andy Borg, Anna Marie
Borg, Bobby Borg, Paul Borg, Steve
Borgarelli, Giorgio Borge, Victor Borgen, Curley
Borgeolli, Bill Borger, Andrew Borger, Jamie
Borgeson, Jeff Borghesi, Matteo Borghi, Emmanuel
Borgi, Emmanuel Borgia, Ricky Borgioli, Billy
Borgogni, Marco Borgogno, Mauro Borgudd, Tommy
Borich, Lucius Boriolo, Maurizio Boris
Borisov, Alexei Borjeson, Megnus Borkman, Curt
Borla, Michel Borland, Adrian Borland, Andrew
Borliff, David Borly, Andre Borly, Clyde