Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Trigg, Annette Triglia, Bill Trikha, Pandit Kanwar Sai
Trilby, Helen Trilling, Roger Triloff, Dominique
Trimble, Bobby Trimble, Gerald Trimble, Grady
Trimble, Jim Trimble, Phil Trimble, Vivian
Trimon, Bobbie Dee Trina, Marguerite Trincale, Franco
Trindade, Cidon Trinder, Tommy Tring, Wallace
Trinidad, Armando De La Trinidad, Le Steel-band De La Trinity
Trinquand, Bernard Trintignant, Marie Trio Athenee, Le
Trio Vulgarica Triola, Victor Trip, Gerrit
Triplet, Sally Ann Triplett, Sally Ann Tripley, Tony
Tripp, Arthur ' Artie' Tripp, Eddie Tripp, Gregg
Tripp, Paul Tripp, Tom Trippe, Allen
Trippe, Stan Trippy, Chaz Triscari, Joe
Triscari, Raymond Triscari, Simone Trischka, Tony
Trisko, Dan Tristan, Alain Tristano, Lennie
Tristao, John Tristram, Geoff Triteous, John
Tritsch, Christian Tritt, Travis Trivieri, Daryl
Tro, Marcus Troat, Angry Anderson Troccoli, Kathy
Trochim, Bill Kootch Trochine, Vladimir Trochu, Eric
Troeller, Gordon Troendle, Jens T Troeoet
Troia, John Troiani, Federico Troiani, Feredrico
Troiano, Dominic Trois, Chuck Trois, Les Horaces
Troja, Pit Trojan, Bernd Trojan, Franz
Trojo, Pit Troka, Lucienne Trola, Vic
Trolsen, Rick Trombatore, John Trombey's, Jack