Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Ungar, Lyndon Unge, Patrick Unge, Patrik
Unger, Brian Unger, Jay Unger, Leo
Union, Choral Union, Johnny Union, La
Unitt, Victor Universe, Munch Universo, Al
Unkrich, Craig Unlimited, Strings Unno, Makoto
Uno, Dos, Tres Unobski, Mark Unosson, Jens
Unruh, Andreas Unseth, Ted Unsworth, Harry ' Jr'
Unt, Toivo Unte, Harry Unteed, Dick
Unterjesingen, Feuerwehnspiel Untersinger, Gigi Unthan, Wolfgang
Unwin, Professor Stanley Unwin, Stan Unwin, Stanley
Uosikkinen, David Uotila, Jukki Up, Ari
Upchurch, De De Upchurch, Phil Upchurch, Richard
Upchurch, William Updike, Albert Upshaw, Vic
Uptemple, Phil Upton, Barry Upton, Dale
Upton, Eddie Upton, Michael Upton, Pat
Upton, Steve Uptown Brass Uptown Horns
Urasawa, Minako Urayama, Hidehiko Urbain, Benoit
Urban Soul Orchestra Violins Urban, Al Urban, Keith
Urbanelli, Giacomo Urbani, Ovidio Urbaniak, Michael
Urbano, Michael Urbassik, Dieter Urben, Nicole
Ure, John Ure, Midge Urena, George
Urfa, Yezda Uribe, John Urigshardt, Marti
Urness, Harvey Urpen, Neil Urquhart, Jimmy
Urretxaga, Manu Ursan, George Urschel, Mike
Ursin, Gernot Ursiny, Dezo Urso, Mike