Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Venables, Terry Venchura, Maria Vendemin, Phillipe
Vendetti, Gabriel Venditti, Antonello Venditti, Lenny
Vendramin, Graziella Vendramin, Pino Vendrell, Emilio
Venegoni, Gig Venegoni, Gigi Venegoni, Joe
Veneno, Kiko Veneno, Ricardo Venet, Nick
Venet, Nikolas K Venet, Steve Venet, West
Venetto, Frank Veney, Gary Venezia, Steve
Venier, Paul Venitucci, Luca Venlona, Zangvereniging
Venner, Cliff Venner, Clifford Vennik, Jan
Venos, El Venske, Henning Venson, Darlene
Vent, Joanne Vento, Marcello Ventura, Anne
Ventura, Carol Ventura, Charlie Ventura, Dave
Ventura, Dolores Ventura, Fred Ventura, Gil
Ventura, Jose Ventura, Luigi Ventura, Max
Ventura, Ray Ventura, Rick Ventura, Rudy
Ventura, Toni Ventura, Vic Venture, Charlie
Ventures, New Venturini, Paul Venus Flytrap, The
Venus, Vik Venuta, Benny Venuti, Joe
Venuto, Joe Venutti, Matt Venz, Steve
Ver, Marlene Planck Ver, Planck, Marlene Vera, Billy
Vera, La Vera, Ricky Veracruz, Trio
Verardi, Andrea Verardi, Massimo Verbeek, Staf
Verbeke, Rudy Verbelen, Misi Verberne, Hein
Verbist, Marc Verbraak, Stan Verbrugge, Foort
Vercambe, Laurent Vercambre, Laurent Vercesi, Paul A