Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Wagner, Klaus Wagner, Kurt Wagner, Lawrence
Wagner, Norman Wagner, Paul Wagner, Peter
Wagner, Richard Wagner, Richie Wagner, Robby
Wagner, Ron Wagner, Sherman Wagner, Ty
Wagner, Warren Wagner, Wendy Wagner, Whitney
Wagnon, Marc Wagon, Chuck Wagoner, Porter
Wagsmith, Band, R J Wagstaff, Paul Wagstaff, Pete
Wagstaffe, David Wagtmans, Woutje Wahart, Jérôme
Wahl, Chris Wahl, Dora Wahl, Jon
Wahl, Tommy Wahlberg, Jan Wahlberg, Seiko
Wahlgreen, Dennis Wahlgren, Pernilla Wahlquist, Ragne
Wahmann, Eckhard Wahnbaeck, Melissa Wahnfried, Karl
Wahnhoff, Flatzz J. Waibel, Bruce Waiblinger, Gerd
Waide, Larry Waidmann, Rudl Oktett Wail, Jo Jo
Wailers Wainapel, Harvey Waindinger, Kai
Wainer, Cherry Wainman, Phil Wainoris, Doug
Wainwright, Barbara Wainwright, Bob Wainwright, Christian
Wainwright, Hap Wainwright, Happy Wainwright, Loudon 3
Wainwright, Rufus Wais, Mar Waisvisz, Michel
Waite, Brian Waite, Chris Waite, Denny
Waite, John Waite, Keith Waite, Marcus
Waite, Michael Waite, Scott Waite, Tom
Waiters, Gene Waiters, L J Waites, Craig
Waits, Eric Waits, Freddie Waits, Tom
Waitzman, Daniel Wake, Bronte Wake, Ric