Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Bruckner, Jochen Bruckner, Joe Bruckner, Milt
Brudevold, Anne Brudzinski, Buddy Bruechner, Jochen
Bruel, Amax Bruel, Patrick Bruenig, Michael
Bruford, William Bruggeman, Mark Bruggen, Frans
Brugnone, Giorgio Bruhin, Anton Bruhl, Heidi
Bruhn, Andreas Bruhn, Christian Bruhn, Christian ->paula Lepa
Bruijns, Reiner Bruinsma, Dirk Bruinsma, Meine
Brumbach, Martin Brumby, James Brumby, Jim
Brumley, Tom Brummell, Beau Brumont, Mikey
Brun, Ove Brun, Philippe Ensemble Brunaes, Ole Steinar
Brundege, Steve Brundl's Basslab Brundpint, Johann
Brune, Lori Brune, Paul Brune, Tony
Brunel Ensemble Brunel, Bunny Bruner, Bill
Bruner, Kirk Brunet, Alain Brunet, Marti
Brunet, Max Brunetti, Daniel Brunetti, Yvan
Bruni, S Bruni, Sandro Brunier, Yves
Brunin, Jules Bruning, Dick Bruninghaus, Rainer
Brunius, John Bruniusson, Hans Bruniusson, Hasse
Brunkvist, John Brunner, Helmut Brunner, Mark
Brunner, Robert F Brunner, Yul Brunning, Bob
Bruno, Al Bruno, Ben Bruno, Bill
Bruno, Bruce Bruno, Carlo Bruno, Daniel
Bruno, Elio Bruno, George Bruno, Jack
Bruno, Maurice Bruno, Michael Bruno, Paul
Bruno, Steve Bruno, Tony Brunori, Alex