Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Burns, Sonny Burns, Stef Burns, Stephen
Burns, Terry Burns, Tito Burns, Tommy
Burns, Wilfred Burnside, Archie Burnside, Dennis
Burnside, Jon Burnside, R.L. Burnside, Terry
Buro, Alain Burphy, Bill Burr, Beulah
Burr, Clive Burr, Francis Burr, Gary
Burr, Oscar Burr, Pauline Burrage, Donnie
Burrage, Harry Burrage, Ronnie Burrage, Tony
Burrauno, Sam Burrell, Auburn Burrell, Boz
Burrell, Cresa Burrell, Debbie Burrell, Duke
Burrell, Gene Burrell, Jack Burrell, Kenny
Burrell, Rege Burrell, Reggie Burrell, Reginald
Burrell, Tim Burreos, Denise Burretti, Freddi
Burridge, Emily Burridge, Hollis Burridge, Roger
Burris, Daisy Burris, J C Burris, Johnny
Burris, Ted Burris, Terry Burrise, A D
Burrough, Cassell Burroughs, Alvin ' Mouse' Burroughs, Bruce
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Gary Burroughs, Marc
Burroughs, Mick Burroughs, Mike Burroughs, Tommy
Burroughs, William S Burrow, W Burrowes, Mike
Burrowes, Valerie Burrows, Abe Burrows, Brian
Burrows, Chris Burrows, Don Burrows, Frederick
Burrows, Martin Burrows, Rob E Burrows, Steven
Burrows, Terry Burrows, Tony Burrus, Terry
Bursch, Peter Burse, Christoph Burse, High Pockets