Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Butterfield, Billy Butterfield, Don Butterfield, Erskine
Butterfield, Paul Butterfly, Raymond Butterfly, Simon
Butterworth, Dean Butterworth, Donna Butterworth, John
Butterworth, Michael Butterworth, Oscar Butterworth, Paul
Buttocks Texas Philharm Buttolph, David Button, Ralph
Buttons, Red Buttram, Bobby Buttram, Pat
Buttrey, Ken Buttrey, Kenny Buttrich, Sebastian
Butts, Dan Lee Butts, Hershell Butts, Hindal
Butts, Nancy Butty, Jean-marc Butula, Tony
Butzler, Gerda Buve, Rijn Buxe
Buxer, Bradley Buxton, Dave Buxton, Eric
Buxton, Glen Buxton, Sheila Buxton, Valentine
Buzar, Nonato Buzby, Brian Buzby, Buzz
Buzby, Christopher Buzby, John Buzby, Zane
Buzin, Don Buzon, Freddy Buzon, John
Buzz, Buzz Buzz, Niki Buzzard
Buzzel, Ron Buzzell, Matthew Buzzese, Jim
Buzzi, Ruth Buzzy Bunch Bwia Sunset
Byalick, Jay Byam, Roger Byani, Thomas
Byard, John Byars, Brent Byas, Don
Bye Bye, Marcos Bye, Alison Bye, Barnaby
Bye, Joanie Byers, Ann Byers, Bernard
Byers, Bill Byers, Billy Byers, Brenda
Byers, Jim Byers, Johnny Byers, Richard
Byfield, Rockin' Jimmy Byford, Biff Byford, Peter ' Biff'