Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Byrum, Larry Bytheway, Charlie Byty, Theo
Bzn Bækkelund, Kjell Bøgeberg, Jørum
Bøgeberg, Jørund Bøhn, Knut Bühler, Boris
C C C C R C Cothias, J
C J C Kiefer, J C Olsson, Mattias
C Rodrigues, Segis C Sheppard, J C W S Silver Band
C, Booker C, Christie C, Eddie
C, Henriette C, Jimmy C, Johnny
C, Linden C, Mel C, Melanie
C, Sharon C, Timmy C, Toni
C., Richie Caan, James Cabal, Alex
Caballe, Montserrat Caballero Bonald, J M Caballero, Don
Cabanach, Luis Cabanas, Brian Cabanes, Henryk Topel
Cabay, Guy Cabaza, Louis Cabaza, Luis
Cabell, Sly Cabezas, Candelo Cabitza, Aldo
Cable, Robin Cable, Stuart Cable, Yvonne
Cabot, Chuck Cabot, Sebastian Cabot, Tony
Cabrel, Francis Cabrera, Albert Cabrera, Alexander Napoles
Cabrera, Stefano Cabrini, Rob Cacavas, Chris
Cacavas, John Orch. Caccetta, Tommy Cacciapaglia, Roberto
Cacciola, Agnese Caceres, Ernie Cachas
Cacra, Paul Cacsvas, Chris Cactus Rain
Cactus, Ted Cadart, Oliver Cadbury, Dick
Cadd, Brian Cadd, Steve Caddell, Connie
Cadden, Carl Caddick, Bill Caddick, David