Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Callan, Michael Callan, Ned Callas, Dimitri
Callas, Maria Meneghini Callaway, Bob Callaway, Liz
Calle, Ed Callee, George Callegari, Alberto
Callegari, Massimo Calleja, Luis Callen, Mickey
Callendar, George ' Red ' Callendar, Jerry Callendar, Red
Callender, Bob Callender, Bobby Callender, Fil
Callender, George Callender, George ' Red' Callender, Gus
Callender, Red Callender, Red + Nicholson Callender, Tony
Callens, Henry Callero, Bob Calleros, Juan D
Callery, Sean Calli Calli, Johnny
Callicutt, Dudley Callier, Jerry Callier, Terry
Callihan, Kristen Callinan, Brendan Callinan, Brendon
Callingham, Geoff Callins, ?jothan Callins, Jothan
Callis, Joe Callis, John Callison, Ann
Callistus, Fanfare St. Neerbeek Calliza, Nimsa Calloni, Walter
Callow, Penny Calloway, Al Calloway, Baby
Calloway, Cal Calloway, Chris Calloway, Harrison
Calloway, Janet Calloway, Joe Calloway, Judi J
Calloway, Northern J Calloway, Reginald Calloway, Suzy
Cally Calmer, Rave Calmese, Charles
Calo, Joe Caloca, Bob Calogiuri, Florino
Caloper, Charles Calozo, Papo Calquhoun, Andy
Calton, Tommy Caluwe, Carlo Caluwe, Claudia
Calver, Geoff Calver, Shady Calver, Stu
Calvert, Bernie Calvert, Bob Calvert, Brian