Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Dario Darius Dark Star
Dark, Del Dark, John Dark, Johnny
Darke, Johnny Darke, Ronny Darken, Eric
Darkman, Yannick Darko, George Darks, Trevor
Darlene, Donna Darlene, Frances Darley, Jim
Darlin, Chris Darlin, Don Darlin, Florraine
Darling, Bryce Darling, Dale Darling, Danny
Darling, Denver Darling, Dianne Darling, Dixie
Darling, Erik Darling, Ernest Darling, Fay
Darling, Gene Darling, Hal Darling, James
Darling, Larry Darling, Ronnie Darling, Tim
Darlington, Dave Darlington, David Darlington, Jay
Darlington, Wilf Darlow, Ben Darlow, Eva
Darlow, Simon Darlton, Joe Darmi, Peter
Darmstaedter, Dirk Darnal, Jean Claude Darnall, Bozo
Darnel, Bill Darnell, August Darnell, Bill
Darnell, Cal Darnell, Dik Darnell, Don
Darnell, Larry Darnell, Linda Darnell, Lorrie
Darnell, Paul Darnell, Ravon Darnell, Rob
Daro, Ernie Darou, Alex Daroy, Johnny
Darr, Molly Darre, Christian Darrell, Dimebag
Darrell, Glenn Darrell, Guy Darrell, Johnny
Darren Darren, Danny Darren, James
Darren, Jenny Darren, Maxine Darrid, Brad
Darrig, Sonny Darrin, Bobby Darrin, Diana