Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

DeVega, Lopez DeVereaux DeVereaux, Cindy
DeVile, Cecile DeVille, Alan DeVille, Cruella
DeVille, Ken DeVille, Roland DeVille, Ronnie
DeVino, Dean DeVit, Tony DeVita, Giovanni
DeVito, Buddy DeVito, Karla DeVito, Rick
DeVol, Frank DeVore, Florence DeVorine, Shura
DeVos, Raymond DeVries, Ale DeVries, Bob
DeVries, Doug DeVries, Gerard DeVries, Marius
DeVries, Rein DeWaleyne, Janine DeWallonie, Lyrique
DeWeille, Benny DeWilde, Addy DeWilde, Graham
DeWilde, Laurent DeWinne, Ann DeWipper, Willem
DeWit, Gina DeWit, Ton DeWitt, Andy
DeWitt, Fay DeWitt, Lew DeWitte, Gordon
DeWolf, Dean DeWolff, Stefan DeYoung, Cliff
DeZasta, General Dea, Janet Deacon Blue
Deacon, Graham Deacon, John Deacon, Mike
Dead Fly Ensemble Dead Fred Deadrick, Rock
Deaguero, Cosmo Deaguero, Joey Deal, Bill
Deal, Don Deal, Harry Deal, Kenneth
Deal, Nicky Deal, Peter Deal, Stuart
Deamer, Clive Deamer, Neil Dean Brothers
Dean, Alan Dean, Anan Dean, Andrew
Dean, Angella Dean, Anthony Dean, Barry
Dean, Billy Dean, Bo Dean, Bob
Dean, Carl Dean, Chris Dean, Christopher