Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Duarte, Ernesto Tito Duarte, John Duarte, Rich
Duba, Dave Dubar, Patrick Dubarri, Kent
Dubbe, Berend Dubbelglas, Duo Dubber, Kevin
Dube, Joe X Dube, Lucky Dube, Tom
Duberstein, Chuck Dubh, Roisin Dubigeon, Manuel
Dubinin, Witalij Dubion, Bessyl Dubkin, Michael
Dublin, Jack Dublin, Sonny Dubman, Ken
Duboff, Steve Duboin, Yves Dubois, Claude
Dubois, Sylvain Dubois, Tim Duboise, Frank
Duboy, Donna Duboy, Jess Dubrow, Kevin
Dubuis, Patrick Ducane, Diane Ducane, Nikki
Ducarroz, Pierre Ducas, George Ducau, Mixel
Ducey, A C Ducey, Chris Duchamp, Marcel
Duchateau, Sjef Duchemann, Gerard 'gege' Duchene, Jacques
Duchesne, Jacques Ivan Duchesne, Jacques-ivan Duchesne, Leila
Duchess Duchess, Duchess Duchhart, Dennis
Duchin, Peter Duchow, Lawrence Ducie, Alias
Duck, Dickie Duck, Guitar Duck, Howard
Duck, Jay Duck, Sammy Ducker, Otis
Duckles, Lawrence Ducksworth, Donald Duckworth
Duckworth, Dell Duckworth, Ian Duckworth, Jim
Duckworth, Willie Lee Duconge, Wendel Duconge, Wendell
Duda, Audra Dudan, Pierre Dudanski, Richard
Dudding, Jo Duddley, Dave Dudek, Andre
Dudek, Finnigan, Kruege Dudek, Gerd Dudek, Irek