Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Durrence, Sam Durrett, Gary Durrett, Liz
Durrett, Rick Durrill, John Durrill, Johnny
Durso, Bill Durso, John Durst, Bill
Durst, Jupp Durst, L Duruttya, Mike
Durvesh, Kadir Dury, Ian Dury, Ian ' Blockheads
Duryrea, Larry Durzo, John Duskin, Big Joe
Duskin, Paul Dusky, Paul Duss, Xavier
Dusschoten, Frans Van Dusseldorf, La Dussex, Pascal
Duste, Raymond Dusters, Broom Dustin, Joseph ' Father'
Dusty, Slim Dutch, Jimmy Dutchman, Badger
Dutoit, Catherine Dutour, Pierre Dutronc, Jacques
Dutt, Rick Dutton, Caroline Dutton, Mark
Dutton, Richard Dutton, Theresa Duty, Neil
Dutz, Michael Duul, Amon Duul, Amon Ii
Duval, Aime Duval, Didier Duval, Edoukou
Duval, Father Aime Duval, Frank Duval, Jose
Duval, Pete Duval, Thierry Duval, Tom
Duvall, Huellyn Duvall, Jacques Duvall, Lonnie
Duvalle, Cecille Duvas, Gregory Duveen, Boeing
Duvernet, Antoine Duvet, Patrick Duvivier, Emil
Duvivier, George Duwe, Michael Duyckaerts, Veronique
Duziak, Urszula Duzy, Bronislav Dvoracek, Vicki
Dvoskin, Viktor Dvrosky, Peter Dwarf, Stephen
Dwayne, Mark Dwelley, Trish Dwellingham, Herschel
Dwight, Susan Dwire, Steve Dwitt, George