Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

French, Jeannie French, Jim French, John
French, Lisa French, Mark French, Mary Meade
French, Nicki French, Paul French, Paul ' Mix Master'
French, Peter French, Ray French, Robert
French, Steve French, Suzanne French, Toxey
French, Zoe Frenchwood, Litle Joe Frencis, Jacky
Frenette, Cecile Frenette, L Frenette, Matt
Frengstad, Liv Frente Frentress, John
Frenzel, Bruno Frenzel, Olders Frenzy, Tommy
Freres, Dejean Frerichs, Ferdinand Hammond Freschi, Ron
Fresh Air Fresh, Doug E Fresh, Shorty
Fresno, Joe Fresno, John Freso, Fedor
Fretes, George De (steel Guitar) Fretton, Matt Fretz, Mark Anthony
Freud, James Freud, Siggi Freudenberg, Sebastian
Freudiger, Heinz Freudigmann, Klaus Freudmann, Gideon
Freundl, Glen Freundorfer, Georg Freunx, Jean
Frew, David Frey, Alan Frey, Axel
Frey, Glenn Frey, Greg Frey, Helmut
Frey, Liselotte Frey, Petra Frey, Uwe
Freya Freya, Jo Freyer, Fritz
Freymuth, Dirk Freytag, Oliver Freytag, Suzanne
Frezza, Eduardo Friar, Barry Friar, Hubert
Friar, Jerry Friberg, Carl Frice, Bobby G
Fricia, Dennis Fricia, Kenny Frick, Achim
Frick, Gottlob Frick, Gunnar Fricke, Janie