Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Garner, Misty Garner, Pam Garner, Peter
Garner, Ronald Garner, Roy Garner, Rudy
Garner, Sue Garner, Tom Garnes, Kim
Garnett, Alex Garnett, Alf Garnett, Carlos
Garnett, Charles Garnett, Gale Garnett, J E
Garnett, Ray Garnett, Steven Garnett, Willie
Garnier, Tony Garniner, Reginald Garny, Francois
Garodetsky, Carl Garofalo, Brian Garofalo, Bryan
Garoghan, Mick Garon, Jesse Garone, Alfredo
Garosi, Fabrizio Garoutte, Jm Garpido, Hector
Garr, Bill Garr, Glenn Garra, Stella
Garrard, Michael Garrat, Nicky Garratt, Nick
Garrell, Mickey Garret, Jan Garret, Johnny
Garret, T Lesley Garretson, Ken Garretson, Lee Smokey
Garrett, Alvin Garrett, Amos Garrett, Arvin
Garrett, Bill Garrett, Bob Garrett, Bobby
Garrett, Cecil Garrett, Donald Garrett, Doris
Garrett, Frank Garrett, Gerry Garrett, Glen
Garrett, Harold Garrett, Holly Garrett, Jan
Garrett, Jim Garrett, Jo Ann Garrett, Jo Anne
Garrett, Kay Garrett, Kelly Garrett, Kenny
Garrett, Leif Garrett, Len Garrett, Lesley
Garrett, Mel Garrett, Mike Garrett, Nick
Garrett, Pat Garrett, Paul Garrett, Peter
Garrett, Rex Garrett, Rhett Garrett, Richard