Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Bach, Daryl Bach, David Sebastian Bach, Don
Bach, Gaylord Bach, Kristina Bach, Leroy
Bach, Oz Bach, Rainer Bach, Ron
Bach, Vivi Bachand, Clyde Bachar, Yaacov
Bacharach, Burt Bache, Ken Bachelet, Pierre
Bachelor, Leroy Bachen, J Bacher, Eric
Bachhuber, Armin Bachi, Jim Bachini, John
Bachman, Randy Bachman, Robbie Bachman, Tim
Bachmann Bachmann, Boyd Bachmann, Eric
Bacich, Mike Bacilieri, Paolo Back, Ivor
Backer, Mats Backer, Matt Backer, Per
Backhausen, Backi Backhausen, Peter Backhouse, Miriam
Backlund, Kaj Backstrom, David Backus, Earl
Backus, Jim Bacon, Bill Bacon, Billy
Bacon, Francis Bacon, Gar Bacon, George
Bacon, Louis Bacon, Maurice Bacon, Max
Bacon, Paul Bacon, Rob Bacon, Shorty
Bacon, Ted Bacon, Trevor Bacon, Woody
Baczek, Tad Bad English Bad Religion
Bad, Kinderchor Emser Lerchen Bad, Weather, Inc Badal, Roy
Badale, Andy Badanjek, John Badanjek, Johnny Bee
Badazz, Randy Baddeley, Hermione Baddiel, David
Baddorf, Dave Badella, Phil Baden Powell, Keith
Baden, Semper, Nina Baden-Powell, Ed Badenach, Burt
Bader, Eddie Bader, Joyce Badere, Elena