Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Hasselvander, Joe Hassenstein, Andreas Hassett, Billy
Hassett, Gary Hassilev, Alex Hassin, Melissa
Hassinger, David Hassold, Yann Jakez Hasson, Fred
Hasson, Leary Hast, Peter Haste, Don
Hastings Kwesi Banana, King Hastings, Count Hastings, Count Red
Hastings, Doug Hastings, Eric Hastings, Harry
Hastings, James Hastings, Jimmy Hastings, Lowell
Hastings, Pye Hastings, Roy Hastings, Vanessa
Hastry, John Hasty, Pet Hasty, Will
Haswell, David Hatano, Toru Hatch, Bud
Hatch, Mark Hatch, Peter Hatch, Steve
Hatchard, Linda Hatchatt, Ruth Hatchell, Keith
Hatcher, Dynamite Hatcher, George Hatcher, Harley
Hatcher, Roger Hatcher, Willie Hatchet, Molly
Hately, Jeff Hatert, Vincent Hatfield, Bobby
Hatfield, David Hatfield, Douglas Hatfield, Faithling
Hatfield, Jeanne Hatfield, Juliana Hatfield, Ken
Hatfield, Paul Hatfield, Vince Hathaway, Ann
Hathaway, Bruce Hathaway, Donny Hathaway, Kenya
Hathaway, Maggie Hathaway, Richard Hathaway, Stuart
Hatje, Bill Hatley, Noah Hatley, Stephan
Hatori, Koji Hatot, Alain Hattersley, Cleve
Hattler, Helmut Hatton, Billy Hatton, Cecil
Hatton, Gregg Hatton, Ian Hatton, John
Hatton, Phil Hatton, Susie Hattori, Masey