Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Holmes, George Holmes, Glen Holmes, H
Holmes, Horace Holmes, Ivan Holmes, Jake
Holmes, Jim Holmes, Johnny Holmes, Kate
Holmes, Kev Holmes, Larry Holmes, Leon
Holmes, Lonnie Holmes, Malcolm Holmes, Mark
Holmes, Marvin Holmes, Mary Holmes, Michael
Holmes, Mike Holmes, Nat Holmes, Nick
Holmes, Pete Holmes, Phil Holmes, Phyllis
Holmes, Richard ' Shubby' Holmes, Richard 'groove Holmes, Richard 'groove'
Holmes, Robert Holmes, Rodney Holmes, Rudy
Holmes, Salty Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Sherman
Holmes, Stevie Holmes, Tim Holmes, Toby
Holmes, Virgil Holmes, Wade Holmes, Wright
Holmin, Robert Holmlander, Perake Holmqvist, Olle
Holmsen, Geir Holnes, Chris Holness, Winston 'niney'
Holopainen, Heimo Holoway, Mike Holroyd, Les
Holsapple, Peter Holsapple, Steve Holshuysen, Johnny
Holst, Rainer Holst, Thomas Holst-roness, Carl
Holstein, Jack Holster, David Holster, David James
Holt, Andy Holt, Anthony Holt, Ashley
Holt, Buffy Holt, Chuck Holt, Craig
Holt, Dennis Holt, Derek Holt, Ednah
Holt, Errol ' Flabba' Holt, Errol 'flabba' Holt, Gary
Holt, Harry Holt, Ian Holt, Jack
Holt, John Holt, Johnse Holt, Katherine