Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Howard, Scott Howard, Seth Howard, Shane
Howard, Steve Howard, Terry Howard, Tom
Howard, Van Howard, Vince Howard, Walter Sandman
Howard, Willie Howard, Yolanda Howarth, Alan
Howarth, Pete Howarth, Peter Howarth, Tod
Howden, Ron Howe, Ashley Howe, Bones
Howe, Bruce Howe, Bryan Howe, Catherine
Howe, Darrell Howe, Denny Howe, Dottie
Howe, Eddie Howe, Geoff Howe, George
Howe, Leslie Howe, Michael Howe, Mike
Howe, Phillip Howe, Ron Howe, Sadie
Howe, Virgil Howell, Andy Howell, Angela
Howell, Billy Howell, Brad Howell, Carlene
Howell, Earl Howell, Eddie Howell, Eddy
Howell, Hammy Howell, Jamie Howell, Jerry
Howell, John Howell, Johnny Howell, Kurt
Howell, Mark Howell, Nick Howell, Paul
Howell, Porter Howell, Reuben Howell, Richard
Howell, Roy Howell, Rueben Howell, Shane
Howell, Tina Howell, Troy Howells
Howells, Pete Hower, Howey Howerd, Frankie
Howerton, Glenn Howes, Andrew Howes, Ash
Howes, O' Neil Howes, Robert Howie, Ed
Howie, Tee, Hitman Howland, Chris Howland, Harold
Howlett Mike Howlett, John Howlett, Mike