Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Huff, Micahel Huff, Paul Huff, Ronn
Huff, Terry Huff, Wallace ' Wiley' Huff, Warren
Hufferd, Guy Huffey, Winston Huffman, Buddha Robert
Huffman, Donnie Huffman, Floyd Huffman, Jack
Huffman, Paul Huffman, Sheri Huffman, Sherri
Hufford, Chris Huffsteter, Steve Hufschmid, Dieter
Hug, Armand Hug, Dodo Hug, John
Hug, Rolf Hug, Susie Hugas, Manuel
Huges, Garry Hugg, Brian Hugg, Dick
Huggins, Billy Lee Huggins, Carson Huggins, Cynthia
Hugh Hugh, Grayson Hughart, Jim
Hughes Hughes, Ann Hughes, Anthony
Hughes, Barry Hughes, Ben Hughes, Bill
Hughes, Bob Hughes, Bobby Hughes, Brian
Hughes, Carol Hughes, Cary Hughes, Charlie
Hughes, Chris Merrick Hughes, Dana Hughes, Danny
Hughes, David Hughes, Dennis Hughes, Derek
Hughes, Fred Hughes, Freddie Hughes, Freddy
Hughes, Garry Hughes, Gary Hughes, Gene
Hughes, Glenn Hughes, Graeme Hughes, Harry
Hughes, Hollie Hughes, Holly Hughes, Howard
Hughes, Ian Hughes, J D Hughes, Jeff
Hughes, Jimmy Hughes, Joe Hughes, Joel
Hughes, John Cleveland Hughes, Johnny Hughes, Judy
Hughes, Ken Hughes, Kevin Hughes, Lanise