Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Interior, Lux Internationaal, Combo International, Dana
Intus, Hyaz Intveld, James Inui, Ayumi Tori, Yoko
Inwin, Shelton Inzalaco, Tony Ioannou, Yannis
Iombardo, Johnny Iommi, Jimmy Iommi, Tommy
Iommi, Tony Iona, Andy Ionatis, Photis
Iorio, Luciano Iotti, James Iovine, Jimmy
Ippinson, Nigel Ippolito, Adam Ippolito, Don
Irby, Jerry Irby, Joyce Fender Irby, Joyce Fenderella
Irek, Nadja Ireland, Bey Ireland, David
Ireland, Jill Ireland, John Irene
Ireti Irie, Tippa Irie, Tomto
Iril, Nolan Iriondo, Mikel Iriondo, Xabier
Irish Chamber Orchestra Irish Horns, The Irish, Band Of The Guards
Iriti, Arthur Irmier, Hans Joachim Irmler, Hans Joachim
Irniger, Fred Iron, Marc Irons, Eddie
Irons, Jeremy Irons, Neville Ironstrings, Ira
Irsic, Otto Irvin, Bill Irvin, Curtis
Irvin, Frankie Irvin, Jim Irvin, Jody
Irvin, Oscar Irvin, Wayne Irvine, Andy
Irvine, Bruce Irvine, Charlie Irvine, Lonnie
Irvine, Paul Irvine, Paula Irvine, Peter
Irvine, Russell Irvine, Scott Irvine, Stephen
Irving, Bob Irving, Dale Irving, Dave
Irving, Irving Irving, Jessie Irving, Lonnie
Irving, Oscar Irving, Rain Irving, Robert