Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Barducci, Alfredo Bardwell, Duke Bardwell, Gary
Bare, Bobby Bare, Charlie Bare, Christine
Bare, Jeannie Bare, Joey Bare, Spence
Barefield, Eddie Barefield, Edward Barefoot, Cindy
Barel, Alexandre Barell, Vic Barelli, Aime
Barely Works Barenberg, Russ Barenboim, Daniel
Barenholtz, Rick Bareth, Harald Barett, Kk
Bareuil, Marc Barfield, Bob Barfield, Drew
Barfield, Fiddlin' Boots Barfield, Johnny ' Jr' Barfield, Naomi
Barfuss, Michael Barg, Cindy Bargad, Rob
Bargel, Richard Bargeld, Blixa Barger, Joe
Bargeron, Dave Bargeron, David Bargeron, Lee
Barham, John Barham, Meriel Barham, Richard
Bari, Judi Bari, Nicola Di Bari, Tony
Bariffi, Alan Barigazzi, Mario Barile, Joe
Barin, John Barin, Pete Barish, Jesse
Barkan, Mark Barkdull, Wiley Barker, Al
Barker, Baz Barker, Bill Barker, Blue Lu
Barker, Buzz Barker, Criston Barker, Danny
Barker, David Barker, Delbert Barker, Duke
Barker, Freddie Barker, Gay Barker, Geoff
Barker, Glenn Barker, Graham Barker, Guy
Barker, John Barker, Kenny Barker, Lavern
Barker, Martyn Barker, Michael Barker, Mickey
Barker, Phil Barker, Rex Barker, Ricky