Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Kane, Greg Kane, Helen Kane, Howie
Kane, Irv Kane, J Worthington Kane, Jack
Kane, Jerry Kane, Jim Kane, Jim Worthington
Kane, Jon Kane, Jonathan Kane, Kandy
Kane, Kieran Kane, Kiernan Kane, Kim
Kane, Liz Kane, Madeleen Kane, Madleen
Kane, Maria Kane, Michael Kane, Oliver
Kane, Paul Kane, Phil Kane, Philip J.
Kane, Sandy Kane, Stacey Kane, Tom
Kane, Wally Kane, Walter Kane, Yvonne
Kaneko, Aska Kaneko, Mari Kanekuni, Mitsuru
Kanerva, Markku Kanga, Homi Kanga, Skaila
Kania, Erwin Kaniger, Marty Kannan, Srirangam S
Kannegiesser, Quintus Kannenberg, Ute Kanner, Hal
Kanno, Shingo Kannon, Gary Kannon, Jackie
Kannon, Sandy Kanoh, Toshiyuki Kansas
Kanstul, Zigmant Kant, Rip Kante, Mary
Kanter, Amy Kanter, Hillary Kanter, James
Kanthak, Kai Kantman, Paul Kantner, Alexander
Kantner, Paul Kantoff, H D Kanton, John
Kantor, Gail Kanuca, Richie Kanza, Dominic
Kanzus, Kanzus J Kaoru Kaos, Kenny
Kapec, John Kapell, David Kaper, Bob
Kaphan, Bruce Kapitan, Michel Kapitan, Mike
Kaplan, Alan Kaplan, Artie Kaplan, Doris