Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Bartels, Toon Barteri, Aleni Barteri, Leni
Barth, Benny Barth, Bill Barth, Bobby
Barth, Chuck Barth, Peter Barth, Ronie
Barth, Stinson Barthe, Heike Barthelemy, Claude
Barthey, Dallas Barthol, Bruce Bartholomew
Bartholomew, Hank Bartholomew, Ian Barti, Kim
Bartke, Markus Bartkowiak, Markus Bartkowski, Czeslaw
Bartl, Wolfgang Bartle, Joan Bartle, John
Bartlett, David Bartlett, Larry Bartlett, Michael
Bartlett, Richie Bartlett, Rick Bartlett, Roger
Bartlett, Wayne Bartley, Chris Bartley, Dallas
Bartley, Jock Bartley, Marcia Bartley, Steve
Bartney, Kathy Bartnof, Morley Bartoccetti, Antonio
Bartok, Eva Bartok, Ria Bartoli, Tony
Bartolini, Renato Bartolomel, Jeff Bartolotto, Giuvanni
Bartolucci, Ron Barton, Al Barton, Alan
Barton, Billy Boy Barton, Bob Barton, Brick
Barton, Cliff Barton, Dee Barton, Diana
Barton, Eileen Barton, Ernie Barton, Fenella
Barton, Gordon Barton, James Barton, Jim
Barton, Kristi Barton, Larry Barton, Lou Ann
Barton, Michael Barton, Rich Barton, Richie
Barton, Rod Barton, Steve Barton, Tony
Barton, Willene Bartos, Carl Bartos, Karl
Bartram, Dave Bartram, Greg Bartsch, Hannes