Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

LaVorato, Al LaVoune, O Laabs, Dean
Laba, Martin Labamba Labamba, Richie
Labat, Frog Labat, Jean-yves Labati, Victor
Labelle Labelle, Patti Labelle, Patti '
Labes, Jef Labes, Jeff Labi, Margaret
Labin, Annie Lablanc, Keith Laboe, Art
Laborial, Abraham Laboriei, Abraham Laboriel Jnr, Abraham
Laboriel Sr, Abe Laboriel, Abe 'jr' Laboriel, Abraham
Laboriel. Abraham Labour, Manual Labrador, Alfonso
Labriel, Abraham Labrinski, Tina Labu, Dari
Labudde, Greg Labye, Marc Lacagnina, Oliviero
Lacassa, Gibby Lacasse, Dan Lacasse, Marie
Lace, Junior Lace, Patty Lacefield, Jim
Lacewell, Ken Lacey, Dave Lacey, Flo
Lacey, John Lacey, Kenny Lacey, Martyn
Lacey, Sebie Lacey, Steve Lacey, Willie
Lacey, Yvette Lach Lach, Marta
Lachmann, Gerd Lachot, Wes Lacirignola, Pietro
Lackerschmidt, Wolfgang Lackes, Gunter Lackey, Paul
Lacksman, Dan Lacksman, Dan Association Lacloche, Dennis
Lacy, Doug Lacy, Frank Lacy, Jay
Lacy, Steve Ladanyi, Greg Ladbroke Grove St
Ladd, Cheryl Ladd, David Ladd, Gaylan
Ladd, Jim Ladd, Kerry Ladd, Mike
Ladd, Skip Ladefoged, Lisa Ladeira, Renato