Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Ladysmith Black Mambazo Laederach, Erica Laederach, J C
Laesser, Max Laeta, Ars Lafaro, Scott
Lafayette's, Lude Wolfsmond Lafayette, General Lafayette, Lude
Laferriere, Marc Laff, Mark Laffan, Marcus
Lafferty, Michael Lafferty, Tom Lafferty, Tommy
Lafforgue, Rene Louis Laffredo, Warren Laffy, Gerry
Lafitte, Guy Lafleur, Harry Lafon, Rodney
Laforet, Marie Lafrontiere, Famille Lagan, Steve
Lagarde, Christian Lagarde, Daniel Lagares, Pepe
Lagarto, Gonzalo Lage, Klaus Lage, Klaus Band
Lagendaal, Henk Lagerberg, Bengt Lagerberg, Goran
Laget, Didier Lagin, Ned Lagios, George
Lagonde, Charles Lagoon, Skin Lagorio, Leonardo
Lagran Familia Lagrand, John Laguna, Ken
Lagunoff, Marvin Lahiri, Bappi Lahooligan, J
Lahteenmaki, Toni Lahteinen, Keith Lahti
Lahue, Kalton C Lai, Francis Lai, Luigi
Lai, Ulrike Laib, Inge Laidlaw, George
Laidlaw, Morwenne Laidlaw, Ray Laidley, Shirley
Lail, Fred Laim, Paul Laina
Laine, Alien Laine, Bette Laine, Buddy
Laine, Cleo Laine, Cleo ->dudley Moore Laine, Denny
Laine, Jo Jo Laine, John Laine, Johnny
Laine, Juha Laine, Linda Laine, Olivier Bloch
Laine, Pauil Laine, Reino Laine, Ruthie