Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Lang, Madelaine Lang, Make Lang, Michael
Lang, Peter Lang, Ray Lang, Ronnie
Lang, Roslind Lang, Scot Lang, Shona
Lang, Step Lang, Steve Lang, Stevie
Lang, Zoe Langan, Gary Langan, Nick
Langden, D Veronica Langdon, Jim Langdon, Wally
Lange, Bod De Lange, Chris Lange, Dave
Lange, Gert Lange, Hermann Lange, Horst
Lange, Jim Lange, John 'Mutt' Lange, John 'mutt'
Lange, Larry Lange, Robert John Mutt Lange, Steve
Lange, Stuff Lange, Sylvia Lange, Willy
Langebfek, Morten Langefeld, Volker Langemeijer, Axel Josef
Langenberg, Mel Langendock, Phil Van Langenhorst, Andy
Langer, Bernd Langer, Clive Langer, Elke
Langer, Steve Langerak, Peter Langereis, Rob
Langermans, Harm Langevin, Michel Langevin, Michel 'away'
Langfield, Kay Langford Godfrey, Simon Langford, Billy
Langford, Bonnie Langford, Cal Langford, Frances
Langford, Jesse Langford, Jon Langford, Jonboy
Langford, Peanuts Langford, Pete Langford, Richard
Langham, Phil Langham, Vivienne Langhard-gejel, Karin
Langhorn, Bruce Langhorn, Gordon Langhorne, Bruce
Langhorst, Winfried Langhout, Ernst Langinger, Ronald
Langkous, Pippi Langlade, Patrick Langland, Paul
Langley, Gerard Langley, Gerry Langley, Hank