Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Latham, Geraldine Latham, Hambo Latham, Jess
Latham, Laurie E T Latham, Tommy Lathan, Al
Lathrop, Sonny Latifa Latilla, Gino
Latimer, Emile Latimer, Jacqui Latimer, John
Latimier, Emile Latimore, Benny Latimore, Carlton
Latini, John Latino, Gino Latino, Johnny
Latino, Willy Latkovich, Johnny Latondre, Thomas
Latorre, Johnny Latour, Franck Latour, Marcel
Latragna, Franco Latspiech, Gary Lattanzi, Pepe
Latter, Gene Latter, Rod Lattes, Pierre
Lattimore, Benny Lattimore, Carl Little Rev Lattimore, Charles
Lattisaw, Stacy Lattituada, Sergio Lattuada, Sergio
Lattunnen, Vesa Latumeten, Wallie Lauber, Jeff
Lauber, Lillianne Lauber, Terry Laubmeier, Peter
Lauchlan, Ernie Lauchner, Maurice Lauda, Giogia
Laudadio, Sandro Laudan, Stanley Laudau, Michael
Lauderdale, Jim Laudgren, Nils Laudner, Bill
Lauer, Christof Lauer, Christopher Lauer, Jim
Lauer, Martin Lauer, Michael Lauer, Tim
Laufer, Josef Laufer, Rob Lauffer, Johnny
Laugelli, Frank Laughlin, John Laughlin, Theresa
Laughner, Peter Laughner, Thomas Laughton, Charles
Laula, Carol Laumann, Holger Laumont, Philippe
Laundree, Lester Launoy, Fernand Lauper, Cyndi
Laura Laure, Carole Laure, Marie