Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

LeFrancois, Michel LeGagneur, Guery LeGallo, Olivier
LeGault, Lance LeGrand, Caroline LeGrand, Christianne
LeGrand, Francoise LeGrand, John LeGrand, Loulou
LeGrand, Michel LeGrand, Raymond LeGrand, Robert
LeGros, Alain LeGros, Francoise LeGuabe, Joe
LeMaire, Eddie LeMaire, Georgette LeMaire, Jo
LeMaistre, Malcolm LeMaitre, Alain LeMaitre, Christian
LeMesurier, John LeMesurier, Robin LeMeur, Jean Michel
LeMoine, Antoine LeMoine, Jean Jacques LeMoine, Jean Sebastian
LePage, Albert LePage, Benoit LePage, Clair
LePagneau, Laurent LePere, Louis LePinsky, Joyce
LePommelec, Yvon LePorace, Grachinha LePorace, Gracinha
LePpala, Ana LePpanen, Leevi LePpanen, Limousine
LePpilampi, Jukka LeRoc, Kele LeRoux, Christian
LeRoux, Danny LeRoux, Edgar LeRoux, Kelli
LeRoux, Philippe LeRoux, Sylvain LeSpron, Mickey
LeSurf, Cathy LeTurcq, Flora Lea Jane Singers
Lea, Clive Lea, David Lea, Jim
Lea, Jimmy Lea, John Lea, Larry
Lea, Vegas Leace, Donald Leach, Alan
Leach, Benjamin Leach, Billy Leach, Carl
Leach, Curtis Leach, David Leach, Eddie
Leach, Geoff Leach, Joe Leach, John
Leach, Larry Leach, Lillian Leach, Mike
Leach, Robert ' Rev' Leach, Rosemary Leach, Steve