Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Batey, Peter Bath, Aileen Bath, Brian
Bath, Willie Bathe, Clare Bathelt, Hans
Bathsate Batis, Denis Batise, Javier
Batista, Pablo Batiste, Albert Batiste, Alvin
Batiste, Ia Batiste, Jordi Batiste, La
Batiste, Lionel Batiste, Paul Batiste, Rose
Batley, Noeleen Batlles, Xavier Batman, Elmo
Bato, Masaki Batoh, Masaki Batoh, Matsui
Bator, Andy Bators, Stiv Batron, James
Bats, Joel Batson, Billy Batson, Ernest
Batstone, William ' Billy' Batt, Matt Batt, Mike
Battaglia, Anthony Battaglia, Giorgio Battaglia, Joe
Battaillet, Pierre Battaini, Mario Battaini, Mario Fisarmonico
Battat, Abe Batteau, David Batteau, Robin
Batten, Ceceilia Batten, Jennifer Batter, Dominique
Batterbee, Adam Batterham, Andrew Batterham, Chris
Batterie, La Battersby Battersby, Rick
Battiato, Franco Battin, Clyde Battin, Skip
Battiste Of Scorpio Battiste, Harold Battiste, Roman
Battisti, Lucio Battle, Edgar Battle, George
Battle, Jean Battle, Nick Battle, P R
Battle, Terry Battlecat Battles, Phil
Batton, James Battruschat, Britta Batts, Allen
Batts, Fraser Batts, Ray Batts, Will
Batty, Nora Baty, Charlie Batzel, Alexander