Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Lewis, Vic Lewis, Vic Hestra Lewis, Victor
Lewis, W Michael Lewis, W. Michael Lewis, Wally
Lewis, Webster Lewis, William Lewis, Willie
Lewis, Yolanda Lee Lewis, Yvonne Lewis-smith, Victor
Lewitt, Raymond Lewkowicz, Sev Lewolt, Paul
Lewy, Eric Lewy, Henry Lex
Lexing, Harvey Ley, Bruce Leyden, Graham
Leyden, Lee Ann Leyden, Norman Leydon, Jimmy
Leydon, Norman Leyers, Jan Leyh, Wolfgang
Leynor, Jeffrey Leyrac, Monique Leys, John
Leyton, Mark Lezal, Vic Lezala, Mike
Lezcano, Gustavo Lhermitte, France Lhermitte, Nathalie
Lhoman, Manuel Lhost, Claudine Lhost, Freddie
LiVigni, John Lia, Frode Lia, Orsa
Liah, Chi Chi Liam Liane, Shireen
Lianos, Lex Liatt, Kim Libaek, Sven
Liban, Jim Libano, Giulio Libby, Bart
Libby, Dennis Libens, Paul Liber, Mick
Liberace, George Liberator, Chris Liberatore, Irene
Libergen, Jean Van Liberman Liberman, Jeff
Liberman, Lev Libero, Attilio Libert, Bruno
Liberti, Giovanni Libertine, Eve Liberto, Ray
Liberty, Wally Liberus, Dieuseul Libet, Moreen
Libove, Charles Libow, Michael J Libretti, Nichon
Libson, Paul Licano, Sammy Licari, Daniele