Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Lingle, Jason Lingle, Larry Lingle, Mike
Lingo, Laurie Lingus, Connie Lingwood, John
Linhardt, Buzz Linhart, Buzzy Linhart, Jay
Liniger, Rene Link, Craig Link, Gary
Link, Peter Linka, Rudy Linkchain, Hip
Linke, Stefan Linkers, Ansil Linklater, Andy
Linkletter, Bob Linkola, Jukka Linkous, Mark
Linkus, Dave Linky Linley, Cal
Linn, Elmo Linn, John Linn, Jon
Linn, Ray Linn, Roberta Linn, Roger
Linnane, Peter Linnane, Tony Linnard, Mick
Linnear, Claudia Linnegar, Steve Linnell, John
Linney, Mike Linon, Marcus Lins, Ivan
Linscott, Jody Linsday, Patricia Linsey, Wayne
Linsky, Patti Linsley, Brian Linsley, Garry
Linstadt, Axel Linstrot, Larry Linteau, Jeanfrancois
Linton, Elmo Linton, Frederick Linton, Janine
Linton, Peter Linton, Ricki Linton, Rod
Linton, Slim Linton, Vic Linton, Victor
Linus Linvall, Per Linvill, Terry
Linville, Charlie Linwood Rose, Mal Linwood, John
Linzell, Pete Linzen, Steve Lion, Adjah
Lion, Dany Lion, David Lion, Ivan
Lion, Johnny Lion, P Lion, Peter
Lion, Walt Lionel, Jack Lionel, Jj