Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Lonergan, Mark Lonero, Bobby Lonesome Sundown
Loney, Roy Loney, Roy A Long Haired Frog, The
Long, Barbara Long, Betty Long, Bill
Long, Bobby Long, Bonni Long, Buddy
Long, Curley Long, Curtis Long, Danny
Long, Dee Long, Dino Long, Don
Long, Donna Long, Eddie Long, Ernst
Long, Gary Long, George Long, Helen
Long, J Long, Jeff Long, Jodi
Long, Johnny Long, Julie Long, Leon
Long, Loretta Long, Lynn Long, Maurice
Long, Pete Long, Ray Long, Robert
Long, Rufus Long, Shep Long, Shorty
Long, Steve Long, Werner Longbottom, Pete
Longden, Phil Longdog Longeman, David
Longfellow, Baron Longhair, Professor Longhi, Dario
Longille, Claudine Longley, Chuck Longley, Noel
Longmore, Dave Longmuir, Alan Longmuir, Derek
Longo, Frank Longo, John J Longo, Michael
Longon, Gabriele Longoria, Carles Longshaw, Fred
Longston, Leslie Longstreet, Billy Longsworth, Eric
Longworth, Gordon Lonie, Jono Lonie, Lonie
Lonneux, Francis Lonneux, Guy Lonnholm, Kim
Lonnkvist, Anders Lonnman, Greg Lonsdale, Shep
Lonz, Rolf Loo, Kirile Looby, Tony