Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Lunghi, Gj Lungren, Zappo Lunn, Andy
Lunn, Gary Lunn, Judy Lunn, Ken
Lunny, Manus Lunsdale, Ray Lunsford, Chuck
Lunsford, Ray Lunt, Nick Lunt, Tony
Luopio, Kimmo Lupari, Eero Lupe, Bernard
Luper, Luther 'jr' Lupi, Lucien Lupica, Francisco
Lupino, Angela Lupke, Gerd Lupo
Lupone, Patti Lupper, Kenneth Lupper, Kenny
Lure, Walter Lurex, Larry Lurie, Elliot
Lurie, Jessica Lurie, John Lurig, Heiner
Luro, Dominique Luron, Thierry Le Lusardi, Linda
Lusciandro, Frank Luscombe, Peter Luscombe, Stephen
Lush, Elmer Lusher, David Lusher, Don
Lusher, Raymond Lushgarten, Ed Lusini, Mauro
Lusk, Michael Lussenden, Bill Lussier, Rene
Lustenhouwer, Willy Lustergarten, Edgar Lustgarten, Edgar
Lustgartten, Robert Lustig, Didier Lustjens, Gusti
Lustrea, Robert Lutcher, Joe Lutcher, Nellie
Luther, Betty Luther, Donald Luther, Frank
Luthi, Rolf ' L L' Luthi, Rolf Ll Lutjens, Gustav
Lutrasong, Brigid Luttazzi, Donatella Lutter, Adalbert
Luttick, Johannes Lutton, Dave Lutton, Davey
Luttrell, Jimmy Luttrell, Terry Luttrelle, Jon
Lutz, Freddy Lutz, Luc Lutz, Luis
Lutz, Pieter Lutz, Ton Lutzelschwab, Cyril