Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

MacAvoy, Grant MacBeath, Bill MacBeth, David
MacBooker, Connie MacCalder, William MacCallum, Paul
MacChi, Egisto MacCione, Aldo MacColl
MacColl, Ewan MacColl, Hamish MacColl, Kirsty
MacColl, Naill MacColl, Neil MacColl, Neill
MacColl, With Kitty MacCon Iomaire, Colin MacConnell, Lou
MacCormack, G A MacCormack, John MacCormick, Bill
MacCourt, Carmel MacCoy, Jimmy MacCrae, Dave
MacCuish, Alasdair Udh B MacCullum, Paul MacDermot, Galt
MacDermot, Tom MacDonald, Aimi MacDonald, Alistair
MacDonald, Andrew MacDonald, Andy MacDonald, Bertie
MacDonald, Calum MacDonald, Carol MacDonald, Donald
MacDonald, Finlay MacDonald, Francis MacDonald, Frank
MacDonald, Geordie MacDonald, George MacDonald, Ger
MacDonald, Iain MacDonald, Jeanette MacDonald, Keeny
MacDonald, Lennie MacDonald, Nevill MacDonald, Pat
MacDonald, Randy MacDonald, Ronnie MacDonald, Rory
MacDonald, Val MacDonell, Jimmy MacDonnell, Paul A
MacDougall, Donald MacDougall, Fraser MacDougall, Ian
MacDowell, Lenny MacDowell, Ted MacDuffie, Deborah
MacEwan, Lesa MacEwan, Sydney MacFadyen, Iain
MacFarlane, Alison MacFarlane, Duncan MacFarlane, Fred
MacFarlane, Peter MacFarlane, Ruary MacGaw, James
MacGee, Robin MacGowan, Andrew MacGowan, Geraidine
MacGowen, Shane MacGregor, Alaistair MacGregor, Buddy