Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

McDuff, James McDuff, Jimmy McDuff, Simon
McEachern, Murray McEachern, Peter McElhiney, Bill
McElhiney, William McElroy, Donna McElroy, Etan
McElroy, John McElroy, Maurice McElroy, Sollie
McElvy, Dick McEnery, Dave McEntire, J
McEntire, Pake McEntire, Reba McEntire, Vern
McEvoy, Eleanor McEvoy, Eoin McEvoy, John
McEvoy, Michael McEvoy, Mike McEwan, William
McFadden, Bob McFadden, Charlie McFadden, Duke
McFadden, Eric McFadden, Gene McFadden, George
McFadden, Mike McFadden, Ruth McFall, Jesse On
McFarland, Bill McFarland, Billy McFarland, Gary
McFarland, John McFarland, Lester McFarland, Louis
McFarland, Rusty McFarland, Skeeter McFarland, Spanky
McFarland, Tim McFarland, Tom McFarland, Will
McFaye, Linda McFerrin, Bobby McFerron, Robert
McFoy, Jimmy McFury, Billy McGann, Andy
McGann, John McGarity, Lou McGarr, Jimmy
McGarrigle, Anna McGarrigle, Kate McGear, Mike
McGee, Alan McGee, Bobbie McGee, Bobby
McGee, Butch McGee, David McGee, Eddie
McGee, Francine McGee, Gerry McGee, Howard
McGee, Jerry McGee, Mac McGee, Mark
McGee, Tommy McGeegan, Pat McGettigan, Charlie
McGhee, Bobbie McGhee, Brownie McGhee, Donna