Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Mcdermatt, Phil Mcdermot, Brian Mcdevitt, Chas
Mcdonald, Doug Mcdonald, Jane Mcdonnell, Jim
Mcdonnell, M J Mcdonnell, Myles Mcdonnell, Pat
Mcdonnell, Steve Mcdonnell, Tommy Mcdonnell, Tommy 'pipes'
Mcdougal, Alex Mcdougal, Brad Mcdougal, Don
Mcdowall, Roddy Mcdowell, Lenny Mcdowell, Mississippi Fred
Mcduffie, Deborah Mcduffie, Ralph Mcduffy, Joanne
Mcdugall, Al Mceboy, Michael Mcelhone, John
Mcelhone, Sean Mcelrath, John Mcelwaine, Jim
Mcelwee, Paddy Mcelyea, Steve Mcentee, Mark
Mcenthun, Ray Mcentire, Reba Mcerlaine, Ally
Mceuen, Kae Mcevoy, Eleanor Mcevoy, Johnny
Mcewan, Jerry Mcewan, Rob Mcewan, Steve
Mcfadden, Ruth Mcfaddin, Terry Mcfadin, Sam Flash
Mcfall, Ruben Mcfarlan, Nelson Mcfarland, Rico
Mcfarlane, Elaine Spanky Mcfarlane, Fred Mcfarlane, George
Mcfarlane, Marilyn Mcfarlane, Peter Mcfarlane, Rauri (rory)
Mcfarlane, Ruari Mcfarlane, Ruari (rory) Mcfarlane, Ruariory
Mcfaul, Thomas Mcfaul, Tom Mcfay, Nat ' Monk'
Mcfedries, Margot Mcfee, Bob Mcfee, Chris
Mcfee, Tony Mcferren, Bobby Mcferrin, Bobby
Mcfie, Brian Mcfield Jr, Gus Mcfinn, Freddie
Mcg, Martin Mcgann, ? Mcgann, Mac
Mcgarigle, Tom Mcgarity, Lou Mcgarrick, Martin
Mcgarrigle, Kate & Anna Mcgarry, Michael Mcgarry, Vince