Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Mcgee, John Mcgee, Johnny Mcgee, Kirk
Mcgee, Robin Mcgee, Sherri Mcgee,brian
Mcgeegan, Pat Mcgeeney, Ross Mcgeever, Matt
Mcgeoch, John Mcgeorge, Jerry Mcgettrick, Kurt
Mcghee, Charles Mcghee, Howard Mcghee, L D
Mcgill, Mickey Mcgill, Mike Mcgill, Victor
Mcgillivray, Duncan Mcgillveray, Jim Mcgilpin, Bob
Mcginn, Scott Mcginnis, Wayne Mcginniss Sid
Mcginty, Joe Mcginty, Kathie Mcginty, Rolo
Mcglohon, Joe Mcgloin, Andy Mcgloiry, Michael
Mcgoldrick, John Mcgonagle, William Mcgoogan, Wesley
Mcgouch, Roger Mcgounden, Mark Mcgraw, Tim
Mcgreary, Lew Mcgreevy Iii, James E Mcgregor, Mary
Mcgriff, Jimmy Mcgruder, Jeanette Mcgruder, June
Mcguffee, Joe Mcguigan Mcguinnis, Alison
Mcguinty, Gloves Mcguire, Barry Mcgunnigle, Kate
Mcguyer, Mike Mchaffie, Sue Mchahon, Pete
Mchan, Don Mcholter, Trond Mchugh, Chris
Mchugh, Gerald Mchugh, Paddie Mchugh, Paddy
Mcillwaine, Ellen Mcilveen, Greg Mcinemey, John
Mcinerney, Pat Mcinerney, Pete Mcinerny, John
Mcintorsh Mcintosh, Winston Mcintyre, Chester
Mcirish, Robin Mcivers, John Mcjohn, Goldy
Mckaig, Annie Mckay, Billy Mckay, Caragh
Mckay, Chris Mckay, David Mckay, Duncan