Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Mclin, Jimmy Mclinn, Steve Mclintock, Ian
Mclogan, Steve Mclollie, Oscar Mcloughlin, Jon
Mclourd, Philip Mcluskey, David Mclusky, Sean
Mcmackin, Mike Mcmahon, Jeff Mcmakin, Mike
Mcmears, John Porter Mcmeel, Mickey Mcmellen, Jim
Mcmenemy, Mike Mcmichael Mcmickle, Reginald D
Mcmonagle, Grainne Mcmonagle, Monty Mcmordie, Ali
Mcmullen, Craig Mcmullen, Jeff Mcmullen, Pat
Mcmurdow, Dave Mcmurrin, Dennis Mcnab, Malcolm
Mcnabb, Kerry Mcnabb, Malcolm Mcnabb, Robert Ian
Mcnair, Dave Mcnair, David Mcnammon, Cyril
Mcnaught, Mike Mcneal, James Mcneal, Lutricia
Mcneely, Jay ' Big' Mcneely, Larry Mcnees, Harlin
Mcneil, Eddie Mcneil, Edward Mcneil, Gus
Mcneil, Jennifer Mcneil, Mick Mcneil, Walter
Mcneils, Declan Mcnerny, Denny Mcnett, Bob
Mcnicol, Jim Mcnicol, Richard Mcnicol, Steve
Mcniven, Malky Mcnulty, Chris Mcnulty, Hugh
Mcnulty, Mal Mcnulty, Pat Mco, John
Mcpake, Angus Mcpartland, Jimmy Mcpartland, Marian
Mcphee Mcphee, Paul Mcphersen, Jerry
Mcquade Crawford, Mark Mcquade, Herb Mcquade-crawford, Mark
Mcqueen, Rod Mcqueen, Steeve Mcrae, Carman
Mcrae, Dave Mcrae, John Mcrae, Linda
Mcrae, Robert F Mcrae, Teddy Mcrary, Les