Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Murrell, Alice Murrell, Anna Murrell, Herb
Murrell, Kris Murrell, Red Murrell, Simon
Murricane, Dave Murrihy, P J Murrill, Sandy
Murroe, Tina Murry, Denny Murry, Ron
Murtas, Martino Murtaugh, John Murter, Bill
Murtojarvi, Ilpo Muruga Muruzabal, Arturo
Murvin, Muff Mus' Come Musa Suso, Foday
Musacchia, Clay Musburger, Michael Musburger, Mike
Muscatelli, Ralph Muscheidt, Dave Muschler, Fritz
Muse, Cynthia Muse, David Muse, Eddie
Musenbichler, Robert Musette, Jean Paul Musette, Merrie
Musgrave, Debra Mushroom Musialik, Jacques
Music, Lucy Musical Youth Musick, Scott
Musiker, Sam Musil, Dick Musillami, Michael
Musiq Musiq Soulchild Muskee, Harry
Musker, Kate Musmanno, Joe Musmanno, Scott
Musoni, Georgio Musper, Erwin Mussel, David
Mussen, James Musset, Adele Mussi, Vido
Mussida, Francone Mussington, Ian Musso, Robert
Mussulli, Boots Mustafa, Abu Mustaine, Dave
Mustang, Trio Mustangs, Jimmy Mustapha, Hijaz
Mustaphafakir Mustari, Frank Musti
Musto, D, Lenny Mustoe, Dan Musty, Packy
Musy, J Musy, Jean Musy, John
Mutin, Thierry Mutsari Mutsari, Jean