Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Obetz, Tim Obey, Chief Ebenezer Obi, Chukwodozi
Obispo, Pascal Oblivion Obmana, Vidna
Obomsawin, Thomas Obrecht, Bill Obry, Trombone
Obstoj, Jeannette Therese Obyton, John Oca, Jose Miguel
Ocasek, Karl Heinz Ocasek, Ric Ocasio, Jose (tito)
Ocean, Humphrey Ocean, Johnny Oceans, Lucky
Ochel, Ad Ochman, Marshall Ochoa, George
Ochowiak, Michel Ochs, Hans Ochs, Larry
Ochwat, Vince Ocker, Bob Ocker, David
Ockerman, Dale Ocki Octavius
October, Gene October, Johnny Oda, Kevin
Oday, Alan Odcon, Edsel Odderskov, Finn
Oddie, Bill Oddis, Ray Oddy
Odegaard, Elin Odeguard, Ken Odell, Ann
Odell, Mac Odell, Roger Oden, Bianca
Oden, Henry Oden, James Oden, Jimmy
Odenthal, Bernd Odenthal, John Odes, Rebecca
Odgagwe, John Odgers, Brian Odgers, John Henry
Odgers, Philip Odges, Brian Odgren, Jim
Odiin, Kenneth Odin, Henri Odlum, David
Odom, Andrew Odom, Donna Odom, Jim
Odom, Noel Odom, Ray Odom, Stooert
Odoms, Raymond Odor, Buddy Odori, Orio
Odrich, Ron Odum, Dan Odum, Ned
Odun Oe Oeacock, Annette