Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Plansky, Peter Plant, Dick Plant, Judy
Plant, Richard Plant, Rick Plant, Robert
Planting, Simon Plants, Ronnie Planxty With Moore, Christy
Plaschek, Reus Plascott, Pete Plass, Wesley
Plastic Bertrand Plastron, Charles Plata, Antonio De
Platania, John Platchon, David Plate, Dixie
Plates, Dexter C Plati, Mark Platinum Hook
Platon, Mauncia Platonos, Lena Platshon, David
Platt, Alan Platt, Amy Platt, Ed
Platt, Gary Platt, Matthew Platt, Morris
Platters, Magic Platters, Original Plattner, Christian
Platz, Engelbert Platzek, Gunther Platzgumer, Hans
Plavsic, Peter Plaxico, Lonnie Playa Sextet, La
Player, James Player, Sonny Players, Chandos
Playwright, Frank Plaza, Marc Plaza, Martin
Plazzi, Gianni Pleasance, Ed Pleasance, Richard
Pleasant, Darrell Pleasant, N H K Pleasants, Bill
Pleasure, Eddy Pleasure, W Pleath, Anthony
Pledge, Christopher Pledger, Mark Pleeth, Anthony
Pleeth, Tony Pleffner, Ralph Pleines, Gus
Pleiss, Jack Plenizio, Gianfranco Plenty, Obie
Pletton, Didier Plews, Dan Plews, Dave
Plieninger, Lili Plimley, Pool Plimmer, Greg
Plinky Plisnier, Kurt Rene Plitz, Volker
Ploetz, Jens Plog, Thomas Ploil, Reinhard