Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Ploutin, Luc Plouton, Luc Plouvier, Jean Luc
Plowman, Dave Plowman, Linda Plowman, Tim
Plucker, Peggy Plugg, Jack Plum, Jean
Plum, Jon Plumb, Elizabeth Plumb, Eve
Plume Plumer, Joe Plumeri, Terry
Plumley, John Plummer, Artie Plummer, Bettye Jean
Plummer, Christopher Plummer, Earl Plummer, George
Plummer, Paul Plunier, J P Plunier, J.p.
Plunkett, Bob Plunkett, Michael Plunkett, Paul
Plunkett, Scott Plunkett, Steve Plurim, Flora
Pluszcz, Andrzej Pluta, Jurgen Pluth, John
Plytas, Nick Plytowe, Wydawnictwo Pneuma
Po, Cory Poaskett, Fritz Pocaro, Jeff
Pocaro, Mikeporcaro Pocaro, Steve Poch, Rafael
Poco, Chino Podell, Art Podis, David
Podking, Leslie Podlas, Ronnie Podlor, Jimmie
Podmore, Jono Podobsky, Ivan Podoler, Dickie
Podolor, Richard Podorsek, Joe Podrasky, Jimmer
Podwojny, Rose Poe ( Brant), Bobby Poe, Archie
Poe, Bobby Allen Poe, David Poe, Edgar Allan
Poe, John Poehni, Osker Poeppel, Gerd
Poetchke, Carl Poetzold, Reiner Poff, Danny
Pogan, Pogan Pogan Pogano, Tony Pogey, Hoagy
Pognant, Jeanclaude Pogoda, Kathi Pogonant, J. C.
Pogues Pogues, With Kirsty Maccoll Pohjola, Ensti