Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Prentice, Ron Prentiss, Lee Presby, Matt
Prescod, Frank Prescott, Brenda Prescott, Charles
Prescott, P Prescott, Peter Prescott, Ralph
Presence, Orson Presencer, Gerard Presgurvic, Gerard
Presley Presley, Elvis Presley, Gaylon
Presley, Reg Presley, Sid Presley, Steffen
Presnell, Harve Press, Bob Press, Don
Press, Mickey Press, Reinee Press, Reinie
Presser, Gabor Presser, Peter Pressley, ?julian
Pressley, Julian Pressley, Ray Pressly, Eric
Prestbury, Duncan Presthus, Lori Presti, Paul
Prestia, John Prestigiacomo, Carmelo Presto, Bob
Preston, Bill Preston, Billy Preston, Bob
Preston, Dave Preston, Dayle Preston, Don
Preston, Earl Preston, Eddie Preston, Eli
Preston, Gene Preston, Glenn Preston, H
Preston, Hulton Preston, Hush Preston, Jackie
Preston, Jay Preston, Jimmie Preston, Jimmy
Preston, Johnny Preston, Kathy Preston, Kenny
Preston, Mike Preston, Nigel Preston, Prince
Preston, Richard Preston, Robert Preston, Rudy
Preston, Terry Preston, Van Preston, Wayne
Prestopino, Greg Prestopino, Paul Prestwich, Steven
Prestwood, Hugh Prete, Franco Del Pretenders
Preti, Maurizio Preto, Paulo Preus, Anne Grete