Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Prince, Peppy Prince, Prairie Prince, Prarie
Prince, Rick Prince, Rod Prince, Roland
Prince, Ronald Prince, Tom Prince, Viv
Prince, Wesley Princess Royal, H R H Princeton, Gene
Princiotto, Peter Principal Edwards Magic Principato, Tom
Principle, Peter Prindell, Robert Prinder, Shad
Prine, James Prine, John Pring, Bobby
Pringle, Doug Pringle, Jim Pringle, Peter
Prins, Marlene Prins, Patrick Prinsen, Joost
Printemps, Yvonne Printer's, Benny Printup, Craig
Prinz, Karl Prinz, Rosemary Penny Prior, Andy
Prior, James Snooky Prior, Maddy Prior, Robin
Prisioner Priske, Rich Prisoner
Prisset, Serge Prister, Jerome Pritachet, Hans
Pritchard, Brandon Pritchard, Charlie Pritchard, Dave
Pritchard, Holly Pritchard, John Pritchard, Mel
Pritchard, Pete Pritchett, Albert Pritchett, Chris
Pritchett, Travis Pritchett, Wesley Pritchrd, Peter
Prittwitz, Andreas Pritwitz, Andreas Pritzell, Teddy
Private, Gary Privette, Marty Priviero, Massimo
Pro Arte Orchestra* Pro, Noe Probst, Barre
Proby, P J Proby, Pj Proby, Ron
Prock, Edith Procope, Russel Procope, Russell
Procter, Mick Proctor, Billy Proctor, Joan
Proctor, Judy Proctor, Mike Proctor, Philip