Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Pullum, Joe Pulman, Barry Pulman, Karl
Pulp Pulsar, Ed Pulse
Pulsford, Nigel Pulst, Bernd Pulte, Jim
Pulver, Judi Pulver, Judy Pulver, Lieselotte
Pulver, Murray Pulver, Patrick Pulzer, Patrick
Puma, Denise Puma, Joe Puma, Larry
Pump, Randy Pumpido, Liliana Punch
Punch, Paula Punch, Phil Pundant, Wasunt
Punet, Juan Punkson, Tommy Punky Frankie
Punshon, Dave Puntella, Carlos Punter, John
Puntos, Los Punzak, Michael Pupa, Piccola
Puppel, Fritz Purbrook, Colin Purcell, Bill
Purcell, John Purcell, Lucienne Purcell, Pancho
Purcell, Sarah Purcell, Sean Purcell, Sonny
Purdell, John Purdey, Jiles Purdie, Bernard ' Pretty'
Purdie, Edward Purdom, Letha Purdy, Edward William
Pure Gospel Choir Purify, Bobby Purify, James
Purim, Yana Purkess, Tim Purkiss, D
Purkypile, Dee Purl, Billy Purl, Linda
Purnell, Anna Purnell, Donnie Purnell, Keith
Purnhagen, Gregory Purple, Dave Purpora, J W
Purrfect, Pete Purro, Chuck Purrone, Tony
Purse, Bruce Pursell, Bill Purser, Catfish
Purser, Fred Pursey, James T Pursey, Jimmy
Purt, Rosemary Purtill, Maurice Purton, Micky