Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Bistocchi, Ferdinand Bistritzy, Zinovi Bistrom, Rickard
Bite, Pete Bitelli, Dave Bitelli, Peter
Bitetti, Calie Bither, Dave Bitney, Don
Bittan, Roy Bittencourt, Lincoln Bittner, Marion
Bittova, Iva Bitts, Mike Bitzer, George
Bivens, Cliff Bivens, Willie Biver, Camille
Bivins, Cliff Bivins, Michael Bivona, Gary
Bivouac, Johnny Bix, Legendary Bixarre, Det
Bixby, Denny Biyakas, Patti Biz, Biz
Bizarro, Bobby Bizeau, Billy Bizzarri, J M
Bizzotto, Silva Bj, Rklund Bjarnason, Dr John
Bjelland, Havard Bjelland, Kat Bjerkestrand, Kjetil
Bjerring, Michael Bjerring, Peter Bjoerklund, Mats
Bjoerling, Jussi Bjorgan, Mari Bjork
Bjork, Lars Bjork, Stefan Bjorkenheim, Raoul
Bjorklund, Mats Bjorklund, Matts Bjorklund, Stefan
Bjorn, Ulla Bjorninen, Juha Bjornstad, Ketil
Bjørkum, Per Sæmund Blaaser, Jan Blaauw, Ben
Blabber, Jerry Blaber, Bill Blachard, Jack
Black Ace Black Bob Black Dyke Mills Band
Black Randy Black Steel, Black Steel Black, A C
Black, Alder Ray Black, Alex Black, Allan
Black, Andrew Black, Andy Black, Anna
Black, Barry Black, Big Black, Bill
Black, Brent Black, Bruce Black, Buck