Music Database------RockRom-----Rock Record---Terry Hounsome Record Researcher.
Rock Record


Please note we do not stock records by these musicians

This is a list of some of the musicians that are listed in the RockRom database

You may buy the completeRockRom database on a CD ROM It includes all the data, a program and many other features for record collectors

Roos, Randy Roos, Robyn Rooskens, Simone
Root, Billy Root, Michael Root, Nick
Roots, Charlie Roots, Levi Roots, Puddy
Roovers, Igor Rooy, Jacky Van Rooyen, Ack Van
Rooyen, Laurens Van Roozendaal, Arie Van Roozendaal, Fred
Rope, Jump, Vic Roper, Billy Roper, Brian
Roper, Martin Roper, Ray Roper, Roper
Roper, Tim Roper, Todd Roper, Will
Roque, Christine Roquemore, Larry Roquemore, Mickey
Roring, Roel Rorive, Michel Rork, Rusty
Ros Ros, Bernard Ros, Carmen
Ros, Gustavo Ros, Lazaro Ros, Maite
Ros, Patrick Ros, Toni Rosa Yorio, Maria
Rosa, Anna Rosa, Bob Rosa, Cosa
Rosa, Enrico Rosa, Jerry Rosa, Manoel
Rosa, Marcell Rosa, Mike Rosa, Robby
Rosa, Vine De Rosado, Sabu Rosak, Pavel
Rosales, Javier Rosales, Joey Rosales, Leo
Rosales, Terry Rosalia, Pat Rosand, Aaron
Rosano, Rosita Rosanova, Joe Rosario, Giovanni
Rosario, Pablo Rosario, Ralphi Rosario, Willie
Rosas, Cesar Rosas, Cesar ' Oscar' Rosas, Rick
Rosati, B Rosati, Bernard Rosati, Jack
Rosati, Jacques Rosati, Jaques Rosati, Roberto
Rosato, Pete Rosato, Yolande Rosbotham, Joseph